Breeding season in full swing. |
It’s been 18 months since our last safari to Laikipia and in
view of the latest unrest the area has received it was with mixed feeling that
we travelled the well-known route from Nanyuki to Laikipia Wilderness Camp. But
all fears were soon laid to rest as we drove through striking landscape and
seeing the first herds of Elephant, Zebra and the always weird looking Gerenuk
antelope. Upon arrival we were met by the friendly camp staff and showed to our
tents. Laikpia Wilderness Camp is still the well-kept and exciting destination
it ever was and after lunch cameras were polished off as we headed for our
first drive along the Ewaso Narok river where herds of Elephant, Eland Waterbuck
and a host of other wildlife greeted us against a backdrop of dramatic
equatorial stormy clouds.
Our daily schedule for the next few days was an early start
(once delayed by soft rain) where we searched for the special wildlife that
calls Laikpia home. We returned to Camp for
breakfast after which we did some image processing. Then lunch and leisure
until afternoon tea, and the second game drive of the day. Because we were
searching for the great light we only stopped for sundowner drinks once the
last of the light had disappeared. Then it was off to dinner at camp.
Laikipia has a very healthy predator population but because
we were heading to Mara afterward we concentrated on the special wildlife of
the area. Most nights we were serenaded to sleep by distant lions calling, a
subtle reminder of the true wilderness
of the place.
Except for the aforementioned Gerenuk, Grevy’s Zebra of
which there are only 3000 left in the wild and Reticulated Giraffe were high on
our list of priorities. The feature-full Laikipia landscape makes a dramatic
backdrop for wildlife photography and catching these unique species against the
undulating hills is always special.
There were still breeding activity in the area and an active
Jackal den provided interesting opportunities. Yet the most interesting of all
was a newly born Elephant calf en-route to the airport on our transfer drive
back to Nanyuki.
Then it was off to the Mara for the next stop of
our safari.
Avoiding the crowds proved very worth while on our first afternoon with this Black Rhino on the plains all to ourselves. |
It is only in the Maasai Mara where the total nonchalance of
two large and very indifferent male lions ignoring us, is matched by us,
equally uninterested in the very impressive, albeit sleeping, specimens. This
happened on our very first game drive in the Maasai Mara. Wherever cars crowded
poor animals, especially Cheetah and Leopard, we deliberately avoided the
crowds. This approach proved very effective and the sightings we had over the
four days we spent in the Main reserve proved to consistently of a very high
quality. Often we were the only vehicle in a sighting and if there were other
cars present it was but a few. This approach proved particularly productive on
the very first game drive when we located a black Rhino out in the open without
anyone in sight. This set the stage for the remainder of our stay here and this
approach, leaving the crowds behind proved most effective.
Although seeing lions every day, it took three days to get this very large specimen doing something in great light. |
The very first day was probable the best example as within a
few hours drive we managed to locate a Black Rhino out in the open without
anyone around. What a privilege it was to be able to have this rare sighting
all to ourselves.
Our main objective, as is the case with most people visiting
the Mara during the migration season, was to get a herd of wildebeest crossing
one of the rivers snaking through the reserve. Eventually one such crossing
took place only a few hundred meters from camp where we were the only vehicle
The days in the Mara produced amazing sightings of lions and
cubs, herds upon herds of wildebeest, Topi, Zebra, Eland, Buffalo, elephant and
a host more.
Our camp, positioned at the confluence of the Mara and Talek
rivers certainly not for the faint hearted. Every night herds of elephant would
move through, Hippo’s were regular visitors to camp, (once even following us to
our tents!!) and even the resident Buffalos, generally regarded as part of the
scenery, provided endless excitement. Hyenas and lions would call from a few
meters away and often we would encounter them only minutes out of camp.
Seconds and the action is over. |
We stayed in the main reserve in order to find a crossing,
yet the next stop, also in the Mara were reserved for the cats without the
crowds. Off to the Mara North is was.
We stayed in the main reserve in order to find a crossing,
yet the next stop, also in the Mara were reserved for the cats without the
crowds. Off to the Mara North is was.
Our very forst drive in the Mara North produced this stunning photo opportunity. |
Having deliberately avoided the crowds which swarmed around
the leopard and cheetahs in the main reserve, we set our sights on the spotted
cats while in the Mara North. During the first afternoon reports came in of a
mother leopard and sub on a kill and with this in mind we set of to see if our
luck would hold. Not to be disappointed, shortly after arriving in the area we
located first the cub and then mom feeding on a Young wildebeest. The afternoon
was spent photographing these two as they finished off the remains of their
kill only meters from our vehicle.
Behind the scenes of what happened when the following image was taken. |
The Mara North is an old time favorite of mine. This region
borders the main reserve yet has a completely different feel. In some parts
Maasai people occupy the same territories as the wildlife and although this may
seem out of place in todays sterile conservation landscape, it doesn’t take
long to realize that this authentic co-habitation of people and wildlife is
pretty much how it was for centuries past. As they say the proverbial proof of
the pudding lies in the eating, the test of the Mara North as a wildlife destination
lies in the quantity and quality of its wildlife. We lost count of the amount of lions we saw
and could stay for lengthy periods following cheetah without crowds
overwhelming the sighting.
The three musketeers. |
Arguably the best photographic opportunity came about here
when inquisitive lion cubs came to inspect a remote camera.
Sadly, as with all great things, it must come to an end at
some stage and with the last flight taking us back to Nairobi and onwards, we
had to say till next time to the Mara. But at least its not goodbye.